Sunday, June 14, 2020

How To STOP A New Hire Quitting Before Their First Day

How To STOP A New Hire Quitting Before Their First Day Facebook3TweetLinkedInPinEmailShares3 How to stop a new hire from quitting before their first day A candidate no-show on the first day can mean a costly and time-consuming occurrence for employers. The resources invested into sourcing, acquiring and hiring talent are proven ineffective when the new hire drops out at the very last minute. Why do candidates  quit before  they start? So why exactly does a new hire quit before they even start? There can multiple different reasons and rationales for this, varying from one candidate to another. Therefore it is difficult to pinpoint one exact solid justification. However, it is possible to determine a range of different causes including: A better offer Maybe the new hire received a desirable  counteroffer from their current employer and decided not to accept the new job role. Or perhaps, they were offered a job from a different company they had also interviewed for, that was more suited towards their needs. The job wasnt right for them A candidate is likely to drop out if they feel the job role isnt right for them. If there is even an ounce of doubt, the candidate could quit before  they even begin. Continued job search They decided to continue with their job search. Most candidates will accept the first job opportunity they are offered. However, those who choose to continue looking for a job once they have accepted  an  offer are more at risk of dropping out. Unimpressed with the future potential employer The new employee is second-guessing their future employer. They felt the hiring experience was not satisfactory once they accepted the job offer. Candidates can then start to dwell on their negative emotions towards the employer and become unwilling to attend their first day. 3 ways to prevent a new hire quitting Although all is not lost Three simple measures can be taken to prevent this type of incident from  developing in the future. 1. Engagement Engagement is key to ensuring a positive candidate experience. Through a personalised hiring strategy and consistent communication, a candidate is more likely to feel informed and satisfied before their upcoming first day. Communication provides a levy between employer and employee which is vital in decreasing drop out rates and encouraging candidates to accept the job offer. Providing a prompt response and updates regarding a candidates job application are simple methods to make a candidate feel in the loop. The hiring journey doesnt end once a candidate has accepted a job offer. Its important a relationship is maintained right up until the candidate starts their first day and gets settled. 2. Appreciation If employers are confused and often left wondering why new hires arent turning up for their first day, it could be down to a lack of appreciation. Often people think only a candidate should be grateful  for a job opportunity. However, if a hiring manager reciprocates gratitude towards the job seeker for accepting the job offer, it could help them feel more valued and willing to undertake the new role. This could then potentially motivate the candidate into feeling more needed and important within their new work environment. Creating overall better hires and possible higher employee retention rates. 3. Information An informative approach to onboarding  is essential in reducing a first day no-show. An employer or recruiter can guide the candidate through what to expect on their first day, prior to starting with a brief rundown of how their day might look. This can take away any hesitations or nerves a candidate may be feeling, due to the unknown. Which often causes new employees to drop out at the very last minute and not attend their first day. For more employer and recruitment blogs click here. Be sure to follow us on Twitter @BubbleJobs

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